Days 0-7
The first week after we receive your business information, our accounting and legal team reviews it. If we think your business is a good match for us, we’ll send a Letter of Intent that outlines a potential offer.
Days 7-25
Our accounting team reconstructs your Proft and Loss history to verify the numbers. This due diligence helps make closing the sale fast and easy.
Days 25-30
The legal team takes over to verify assets and prepare the paperwork for the transfer process.
Days 30-34
We close the sale by signing a Purchase Agreement, and send the funds to your bank account.
Days 35: celebrate!

Most sales are completed in 35 days or less. However, incorrect or incomplete information provided during the due diligence stage can slow down the process. If you need assistance preparing your business documentation, we're here to help. Just give us a call at 1-844-JOLTIFY (565-8439).